R and R for Sunday, August 21st, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, August 20, 2011

Peace is always beautiful.

Walt Whitman

R and R Tip # 63:  Putting conflicts to REST

Do-overs don’t come along often. When they do, I’ve learned you need to be ready. One second it’s a normal Sunday night, the next second God hands you a do-over on a silver platter.

When harmony is in your life and relationships, peace and serenity are at your fingertips. All your senses are alive. Your visions are clearer, and you can see more, feel more and hear more. Sometimes   we  get second chance just been placed in our laps , and we don't want to mess up. Harmony has one enemy – conflict.  Compromise and collaboration bring harmony.  When conflict arises and threatens to displace harmony, the best thing to do is face it head on. Don’t ignore it. When you do, you allow it to fester.

Instead, recognize that those with differing views are not out to get you, but merely approaching things from a different point of view. Seek to find points of agreement and work together to build compromise.Take the time today to square away your differences  and resolve a conflict in a productive, peaceful way.

Stop resisting. Like paddling a canoe against the current, a lot of effort is expended to get nowhere. So STOP IT. Right now, take a look at your circumstances and accept it is how it is.

MAKE GOOD CHOICES. What is a good choice? It’s a choice that makes you feel happy. Instead of struggling and trying to paddle harder, see where the flow is right now. Do the things that bring you joy.

Doing small practices that nurture you like watching the sunset, listening to the sound of your children’s laughter,  or hugging those you love and telling them you love them can be great ways to put you mind to rest.  Look at the coming week and schedule some time to be VERY SELFISH!!!!!

We are part of a culture that is obsessed with appearing busy, even though much of our busyness is ourown doing. So when real pressure, hardship, work demands, or family concerns,  comes along, we are depleted and not our best. This leaves us vulnerable to temptation, discouragement, and feelings of being overwhelmed.

You can only be good for others if you are first good to yourself.  Rest isn't just good for the body it is good for the mind too.

Find some kind of peace wherever you go today and enjoy those moments.

See you all next week!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


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