If Mama Ain't Happy

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, August 10, 2011

If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. I woke up this morning and immediately started a treasure hunt for our camera so I could download some photos* for my blog post. Of course, it took me a good twenty minutes to find it, and Not Before I was completely aggravated and annoyed by the "piles of stuff" that seems to accumulate and aggregate like barnacles on a ship! I think I have hit my nadir with the house and my two very soon to return to school teens and their detritus trail. I just wrote out a very specific task list for them, breaking down their household chores from "clean up your room" into "put your clean clothes into drawers", "empty hamper", "organize desk drawers". I also have my "honey do" list too, but first it's a good thing I am going to the gym this morning to work out my frustration!

Thank you for letting me vent, and please let me know how you cope when you hit your low points.

*P.S. Of course the cute video I took of our dog howling wouldn't upload to blogger! GRRRR, now where is that punching bag???

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