Pay It Forward - Random and Not So Random Acts of Kindness

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, August 3, 2011

There is an elderly gentleman who lives on our street who occasionally stops to chat while I walk our dog. This neighbor is lonely, and I always try to take a moment to say Hello. Talking with him reminds me that "Kindness Always Counts". In fact, I am beginning to think that it's really the only thing that matters.

When we act kindly to ourselves with a healthy diet, exercise, and habits, (both physical and emotional), then we are able to show kindness and care to others.

When we are kind to others, whether they be close family, friends, or strangers, it creates peace both inside and out.

When we are kind to those less fortunate, our environment, those with no voice like animals, or art, then we help create peace in the world and again, within ourselves. (Try it and see, and please contemplate on the opposite stategy of "being mean" to those around you and the burden that bears. Like I said to one really witchy woman who was bound and determined to make everyone around her miserable, "It must be No Fun to be you".

I remember when I first learned of the concept of "random acts of kindness" and "paying it forward" on the radio while driving in my car on the Florida Turnpike twenty years ago. I decided to instantly put it into practice by paying the toll of the driver behind me, and I felt like I was the one who received a gift from the look of suprise and delight from the driver of the other car. One I remember to this day.

I have been the recipient of many, many acts of kindness, some forgotten, some unknown, some treasures that time can never erase, like when I received a sympathy card from my college classmates after my brother's death 27 years ago.

So today, I invite you to Pay It Forward by practicing a random or planned act of kindness. Whether it's calling a lonely neighbor, holding open a door for a stranger, donating to your favorite charity, passing down outgrown toys or books, biting your tongue before you say a judgemental or harsh comment, treating yourself with a nap, good book, or walk outside, please, just put some kindness and positive energy out there, and I anticipate the Universe will return it in spades!

Thank you so much, and please let me know your plans, and also any kind acts given or received. (Or if you are a firm believer in "No good deed goes unpunished", please share if you like. ;0D)

Thank you again and the kind thing I've done this week is give my sons' outgrown boogie board to our neighbors' children. But that helped us out by decluttering our garage, so see how that works?? Hmmmm.

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