Motivation Monday - Closet Declutter Challenge

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, August 14, 2011

As most of you know I recently moved. I did a good declutter of my clothes before the move, but at moving time there was no time to try on, just at a glance kind of decluttering. I did get rid of a lot before the move but once we moved in I kind of just hung and piled what was left in my new closet - it's a nice little cedar lined walk in and it's not even shared, our master bedroom has two, one for me and one for hubby - nice!

I know there is still more that needs to go that I will probably never wear. Today I am going through it all one more time to see how many work outfits I can put together and to get it all more organized. Maybe I will reward myself with a couple new items for back to school time :-)

Since we started The Motivation Station I have a different outlook on things. I use to fluctuate in weight so often that I would never part with clothes no matter what size I was at the moment - I had my fat clothes, my skinny clothes and everything in between. Now that we concentrate here at TMS on working out, eating healthy, etc. I no longer feel it's necessary to hang on to stuff that doesn't fit. If my clothes start feeling a little uncomfortable I know it's time to kick up the workouts, not go buy bigger clothes. If those bigger clothes are already in our closets it just makes it easier to give in to weight gain before doing something about it!

So what do you say - ready to clean out your closet? Yes, this is a challenge! Will you accept?

I will post updated photos here on this post later today. If you can't get around to doing your own closet today just commit to doing it at some point this week, and then link up your before and after post on our TMS Show and Tell on the sidebar.

UPDATE... Closet declutter and organization complete!

Entering the closet just to the left is where I am keeping my 7 tie-dye bathing suit cover ups which is what I live in when I'm at home, so comfy, and one for each day of the week. They are great for around the pool, make great night gowns and are decent enough to just wear around the house and still be able to open the door if someone knocks - or just walks in as often happens here.  Next to those is my giant flip flop collection which goes all the way to the floor. I have work flip flops, home flip flops and even dress flip flops. I live in Florida so I live in them whenever possible, 24 pairs at the moment...

The set of drawers in front of the flip flops is on rollers and moves easily with the slightest touch. That set of drawers houses my undergarments, bathing suits, shorts, scarves and other accessories. See the box on the floor on the left in the back? That's my donate box the kitty is hiding in. Anything that I find I just can't wear for any reason will go directly to the box, no turning back...

The outfits I've put together here are 20 work outfits, enough for 4 weeks of workdays. There are 10 various long pants, capris and skirts each matched with two shirts...

Behind the outfits are my purses hung in what would normally be wasted corner space...

I'm down to 7 pairs of high heels and 1 pair of sneakers...

These are all the leftovers not matched up - but most are fall and winter clothes arranged in order from coolest to warmest in the back. I hung all my jackets in the corner space like I did the purses on the other side. The one little container on the top shelf is for solid color shirts that are used under some of the hanging clothes, usually the light print cover ups, it's the only thing on the top shelves!...

And here is the final overall shot of the closet. Everyday pants and capris to the left and more work pants to the right - although the bottom shelf are pants that fit that I probably won't wear anyway - they will go to the donate box it there are still sitting there in a couple of months...

Linking up to The Organized Junkie's 52 Weeks.

Wishing you a Motivated Monday!

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