Thursdays With Linda: New Car and Back to School…

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, August 4, 2011


It has been a very busy week here at the Finding Footprints in the Sand household… It’s been a  month since the car accident I was in, not my fault but causing the loss of our car… So this week we have been settling with the insurance company, buying a new car, 2004 Jeep Liberty, settling with the bank on the loan, turning in our rental car, smogging/registering our van, and I had a big visit at work this week…


Plus on Monday son2 had to go to school to pick up his class schedule… This Friday son3 finds out his teacher for fifth grade… And then next Monday is back to school night…


Only one more week til school starts… In between all the car dealings I took a moment to clean out son3’s clothes and put his new ones away… Indy helped me clean out the sock drawer…


Son3’s short sleeve shirts and shorts all organized…


Son3’s long sleeve shirts and pants all organized…


Even son2 cleaned out his clothes… of course he still needs to put them all away…


A few hand me downs for son3 and another bag for the Goodwill…


Happy Back to School…


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