Motivational Guest - Clint Cora

Posted by Unknown on Friday, August 5, 2011

An Unlikely Gardener

I have to admit that for most of my life, I never had any interest in gardening or even plants in general. I don’t even own any indoor plants at home because I think plants attract bugs and I hate bugs. I’m a motivational speaker, snow skier, sports car enthusiast and Karate World Champion – a most unlikely gardener.

So for some reason, maybe because of the recent surge in popularity, I decided to try out vegetable gardening for the first time ever. I was a bit apprehensive because of my sparse knowledge of plants but after some preliminary online research including watching a few gardening videos on YouTube, I was on my way to the gardening center to buy some seeds and planters.

This was back in late May. After about a week, I started to see some seedlings appearing. Then a bad thunderstorm practically wiped them out as some of my planters got flooded. A few weeks of really hot weather followed and some of the surviving plants dried up and died.

I thought that this veggie garden project was going to be a complete failure. But I applied some of my motivation principles, which includes learning from mistakes. In this case, I learned about proper drainage and putting plants in the shade when necessary.

After some adjustments and adding some new soil and seeds, the plants started to grow. However, the fastest growing ones didn’t seem like anything in the seed package photos. I later learned that they were weeds and soon after I pulled them out, most of my plants started to grow quite well, much to my surprise.

By the end of July, I had my first harvest of beans and lettuce. The first salad I made from this harvest was absolutely heavenly. I didn’t know that a salad could taste this fresh!

Here is a video of my first ever vegetable garden at the time when I took my first harvest.

My example certainly shows that if I could do this, then pretty well anybody can grow a simply vegetable garden at home and get the freshest salads ever.

Feel free to leave your comments below on your thoughts.

Clint Cora is a motivational speaker, author and Karate World Champion. See his FREE 3-part Personal Development Video Series to learn how to expand your comfort zones to conquer even your most daunting goals in life.

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