When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Hang In There

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hello, dear friends and I hope you and yours are doing well.

My life has been a whirlwind with the kids going back to school, and their extracurricular activities of soccer and show choir. Add in the mix, a planned end of summer visit by my college aged niece and nephew, and a most unplanned hospitalization for my 80 year old mom, plus the euthanasia of her elderly cat, Sophie. In addition, my 16 y/o son and I spent over two hours at the Department of Motor Vehicles for him to take his Behind the Wheel Driver's License test, which he passed. (Yipee, I'm very proud of him.)

Even though, I am an optimistic and upbeat person by nature, I am working hard to not let this bring me to my "pyschological knees". I am doing this by keeping busy with household and work responsibilities, and some volunteer work too. Maintaining my exercise routine and healthy diet are also really helpful. I try not to live in my head too much, and I realize that I can choose to be sad or happy, and today, I choose Happy.

I am not going to deny or dwell on my feelings about these circumstances, I am going to try and "just be" in the moment, and then move forward, just one step at a time.

It's always illuminating to go through these tough times, I try to look at them as a gift. The gift of insight in seeing how those around you react when times are tough, the realization how precious the gift of support and kindness is, and to be both the giver and receipient in this cosmic tug of war.

Thank you for allowing me to share and how are you hanging in there? And what can I do to help besides let you know I care?

Thank you again, Martha

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