All is Calm, All is Bright

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I don't know how Christmas gets here so quickly, it's not like Hanukah where the date changes every year.

I haven't been overly stressed about how much there is to do, maybe because I've been too busy with work and family demands to really have any extra pyschic energy to expend worrying about things outside my control. I went through a period last week where I couldn't even make up a list, I was that unmotivated about being motivated. Though I had minimal motivation, I kept plugging away, getting things done, sending out Christmas cards, decorating our tree, finishing up shopping, and I felt like it would all work out. Like it was okay to go with the flow, instead of always trying to steer the rudder.

I realize that the holidays, and motivation itself, are really about the attitude, and hopefully the joy, you bring to things, both great and small. It's about digging deep and doing things when you don't want to, or when you are too tired, too sad, or just Over it. Motivation begins with being kind to, and taking care of yourself.

Sending you tidings of comfort and joy all the year through, Martha @ A Sense of Humor is Essential

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