Motivation Monday - Countdown Time

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, December 12, 2010

Here we are only 12 days 'till Christmas - let's get organized and MOTIVATED today!

Have you made your list and checked it twice? Finished shopping? How about decorating, holiday cards, planning and shopping for your holiday menu, finishing up crafts, and how about wrapping those gifts?

I am really behind on things this year, but the one thing I am done with is my shopping. This is the first year I have done it 100% online and I just loved it, don't think I'll ever go back!

Where do you stand this holiday season? Are you one of those who are on top of things - all finished and ready to relax and enjoy the season, or are you a procrastinator who hasn't even started yet, or maybe somewhere in between?

Let's all take a few minutes to sit down and think about what we have to do. Make a list and then get at least one thing crossed off that list today. Yes, this is a CHALLENGE and I want to hear about you progress in the comment section today. Are you with me? Let's do it! :-)

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