Tuesdays With Kris: The Power of The Squat!

Posted by Unknown on Monday, December 13, 2010

I've been working out with a personal trainer lately. Only 4 sessions in and had a vacation in between so I don't have any glowing results for you just yet... However, I have noticed a pattern in my sessions with her: SQUATTING! Whether it's traditional squats, lunges, or any combination... EVERY session I am pretty much squatting and lunging the whole 30 minutes and somehow it's a different type of variation to keep things interesting... and burning!! And when the trainer says that "these will completely reshape your body" you have to just grin and bear it because they really are the super workout! I sweat like CRAZY... I would compare it to Hot Yoga when it comes to sweat... yeah! And I will admit that after doing these for almost 30 minutes my legs are noodles right after (I could fall down stairs) and are sore for at least two days after! Must be that magic workin!

Here are some benefits:

  • Squats work all major muscle groups

  • Squats burn a lot of calories

  • Squats tone up your butt and thighs

  • Full squats can increase flexibility in the lower body

  • Lower back and mid-section become stronger

  • Heart and lung power increased

  • Muscle is gained

  • (Read more: http://www.tryingfitness.com/the-benefits-of-squats/#ixzz181qnGRup)
    You can do squats at home, at the beach, at the gym, on a bosu ball to add balance into the equation... and while watching The Office!
    Take a look at Jillian Michaels workin in those squats and lunges... her ABS are super crazy too!


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