Motivation Monday - Simplifying the Holidays

Posted by Unknown on Monday, December 20, 2010

All of us here at TMS have been very busy throughout the season, some of us with a lot of other issues we've been dealing with on top of the usual holiday stuff, but I have noticed a common calmness among all of us as far as the holidays are concerned. We are all moving along, getting things done, busy but not stressed out. I really think that's a great thing! I hope that sense of peace and calmness has been the same among our readers here as well this holiday season.

I can remember some previous years where I've been so stressed that I got to where I absolutely dreaded holidays and all the work that goes with them. I knew when I got to that point it was time to start simplifying and in a big way!

These days I do what works best for my immediate family. The holidays for us are about being together and being able to rest and relax - a break from our usual very hectic lives. Of course we want our holidays to be special too but we only take on the extras we are in the mood to take on whether it's the shopping, decorating, parties, baking, sending cards, or even cooking. Sometimes we stick with traditions and sometimes we don't. Not feeling pressured to do it ALL has made the ones we do chose so much more enjoyable! This can apply to any holiday not just Christmas.

I know not all celebrate Christmas, but if you will be celebrating are you calm and comfortable with the plans you have for the upcoming week or do you have things you really don't want to deal with? If so think about what you can just let go of or at least do in a more simplified way than usual, think about what really matters.

Take some time to be thankful for all we have this season too. There are so many who will be all alone and/or lonely, children that will go without toys on Christmas morning, people who are out in the cold and homeless, families that will go without food, and countless other situations. If you have the opportunity to do something for someone in need this week, do it. It doesn't matter if it's someone you personally know, a stranger holding a cardboard sign begging for help or anyone in between - it will be the very best gift you can give. 

Holiday Hugs all around!
Martha (MM)

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