R & R for Sunday, December 19th, 2010

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, December 19, 2010

May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through.
Author Unknown

R and R Tip #28; Remember your map. When we map out our path it is easier to see the way we are headed.

It isn’t enough to sit on the sidelines and hope for things to get better. Make plans to bridge the distance between where you are now and the future you can see so clearly. Define, clarify and implement your plans. With so many things to do and so many places to be, you probably haven't thought about yourself lately.

Plan to put some relaxation and rest into your days. Don’t take on all of the responsibilities of your family’s holiday celebrations by yourself. Share the load. Create some space during the holidays for you to recharge your own batteries.

Instead of thinking in terms of what you can not do, think in terms of what you can do.

After my family left home any big holiday was always celebrated here at my house. There would be weeks of getting everything ready. The spare rooms to make ready for company and lots of food would be bought. Now one of my son's hosts our family gathering as his home is much larger than mine so that relieves me of a lot of work. Those that stay over usually stay with him or my daughter as they have fenced backyards for the grand dogs that also come along for the visit.

As far as food goes we all share the load there. Each brings a dish to share. Desserts, appetizers, meat, side dishes are all prepared and brought over to my son's house. I've got to say that this is a blessing.

For those of you that are younger with family still at home, try to make sure that they help and share in preparing and the cleaning up after too. That is what family is all about anyway. Doing things together makes the work load a lot easier on everyone.

You can face overwhelming challenges, yet still make each day purposeful, by keeping in mind a clear intention of what you want to do. Resolve to stay focused on accomplishing important tasks. Be willing to say No when you are asked to add responsibilities that are not in harmony with your aspirations.

Life is not meant to be a struggle but a balanced and joyful journey.

I do wish you all a Merry Christmas full of relaxed enjoyment and that each and every one of you is blessed with a restful and peace filled holiday celebration.
See you all next Sunday!
Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!

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