Tuesdays With Kris: Reasons to be proud of 2010!

Posted by Unknown on Monday, December 20, 2010

Next week I'll share my Goals for 2011, but this week, it's time to share what I'm proud of from 2010!
1. Finishing my FIRST year back to school! Getting another degree in a new field has been tough. Mainly because I've only taken 1 class that really pertains to Web Design in a whole year (which has made me even more impatient), but looking forward to the days when I will really be a computer nerd. Doesn't Authoring III sound fun? Bring it!

2. Going on Vacation! I am so glad that I went to Puerto Rico for over a week. A much needed rest in the sun was definitely a highlight of the year!

3. Working out with a personal trainer! While I only just started about 2 weeks ago (and have not lost much weight, IF ANY), it has helped me realize that the scale is a lying sack of you-know-what since I'm the same weight and my thighs and upper abs are getting super toned!

4. Excelling at my job! While the market is tough, I feel that I am still working on great projects and satisfying everyone's needs.

5. Eating healthier! Oh I have my moments where cheetos are my BFF, but I'm really doing wonders when it comes to getting veggies and fruits in regardless of the munchies.

6. Getting in touch with my spiritual side! I was never an avid church goer, in fact growing up Lutheran really never suited my needs or desires to connect. However, since reading more about nature and spirituality, I guess you could say in a Buddhist sort I way I feel more connected to energy. 

7. Going out less! Sounds crazy, but going out less has helped the wallet and my sanity. I hate that feeling of paranoia after going out with the work folk until 3am. I have a big mouth and when booze gets thrown down it along side work people I say really stupid things! Happy to have grown out of that!

8. Keeping close friends closer... I don't have many friends, but I've kept the close one super close this year! You know who you are.

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