Thursdays With Linda: Christmas Symbols

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, December 16, 2010


Advent Wreath
Four candles placed on a wreath. One candle is lit each Sunday before Christmas in anticipation of Christ's birthday.

angel told the shepherds of the birth of Jesus. Angels come in many forms for Christmas decorations including the tree topper.

Church bells rang to announce the birth of Jesus. They still ring today.

Camels are the animals the wisemen rode following the star to where Jesus was born.

Candles represent the light that Jesus brought to earth. Pagans who converted to Christianity used candles on the sacred evergreen tree.

Christmas Cards
For many years, private notes of good tidings were sent at Christmas time. In 1843, Sir Henry Cole had 1000 special designed cards printed. The custom of sending Christmas cards began.

Christmas Caroling
Caroling is a medieval custom of singing and dancing around a Christmas tree. Early carols weren't holy enough for singing inside a church, so caroling was done outside.

Christmas Cookies
Originated with pre-Christian Romans who gave sweet cakes to their senators.

Christmas Seals
A Danish postal clerk sold Christmas stamps (Christmas seals) to show that users had given to a worthy cause.

Christmas Stocking
There is a legend associated with the origin of
Christmas stockings. St. Nick, who wanted to remain anonymous and help a poor family, threw gold coins down their chimney. They fell into a stocking that was hanging there to dry.


Christmas Tree Lights
The lights represent Christ as being the "Light of the World." Lights also represent stars. Candles were first used as lights on the Christmas tree.

A manger scene representing the Jesus' place of birth.

Donkeys, Lambs, and Cows
lambs, and cows were animals close to Jesus at the time of his birth. They are usually part of the Creche.

Evergreen Tree
evergreen tree was decorated by the pagans at the feast of the winter solstice. The evergreen tree was a sign that winter would end.

The first Christmas
gifts were given by the Wisemen to Baby Jesus.

Holly is a shrub with spiny leaves and red berries. The leaves remain green throughout the year. Pagans thought its greenness was a promise that the sun would return. Early French and English families hung holly over their doors to symbolize a home in which Christ's birth is celebrated.

Icicles are sometimes used as a tree decoration. As per an old story, the Christ child took shelter for a night under a pine tree. When the tree realized that it was caring for Jesus, tears of happiness fell from its branches. The tears froze into icicles.

Christmas is the celebration of the birth of
Jesus. Christians believe Jesus is the son of God.

Joseph is the husband of Mary.

A cow's manger is the place where Baby Jesus slept. It is part of the Creche.

Mary is the mother of Jesus.

Mince Meat Pie
Mince meat pie is full of spices and fruits. It represents the exotic treasures of the East that the Wisemen brought to Jesus.

A sprig of evergreen plant hung at Christmas time. Custom is that people can kiss each other standing under it.

Plum Pudding
Plum pudding originated by an English king that was stranded in a blizzard one Christmas Eve. He used what he could find to make a special holiday dish.

This flower was brought to the U.S. by Dr, J.R. Poinsett in 1825. He was the first first United States ambassador to Mexico. Because of its flame leaf, the
poinsettia is sometimes called the Christmas Star. A Mexican legend explains how this flower got associated with Christmas.


Reindeer were the animals chosen by St. Nicholas to pull his sleigh. His reindeers' names are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen. Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer is the most famous.

Saint Nicholas
Saint Nicholas was a real person. He was a kind bishop who brought presents to children and needy people.

Shepherds tend sheep. They came to the manger to honor Baby Jesus.

Star of Bethlehem guided the Three Wisemen to Baby Jesus.

There is a legend associated with this thin metalic foil strip decoration. It tells about parents who trimmed a tree while their children were sleeping. Spiders came to see the tree, leaving cobwebs all over it. The Christ Child came to bless the tree and turned the cobwebs to silver.

Three Wisemen
Three Kings travelled far to see Jesus. They brought their best treasures for gifts.
Gold - a precious metal associated with the power of kings
Frankincense - A resin from a rare and sacred tree used as incense
Myrrh - A resin from a shrub used in making perfume.

A wassail is a salutation of good health or well wishes by means of a toast. The drink is a mixture of mulled eggs, curdled cream, apples, nuts, and spices. Usually poured from a punch bowl while exchanging Christmas greeings.

Yule Log
The word "yule" means "wheel," a symbol representing the sun. Before Jesus was born, pagans thought the sun stood still for 12 days at the end of the year. A log was cut large enough to burn for this time period to burn away last year's evil.




What symbolizes Christmas for you…

Merry Christmas…

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