Holiday Potpourri

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Greetings and Happy Wednesday at The Motivation Station hosted by Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential.

Today, I wanted to share some ideas, updates, and of course, motivation, during this hectic holiday season.

Work has been very busy as illness knows no holiday, and I've had Zero time for crafting or cookie baking, or decorating, and that's okay. I know it will get done, and I will be happy with the result, despite it not being perfect or done way in advance.

Shopping is low key and a breeze this year, a nice side effect of a teeny tiny little list. I've been organized and focused and always have my discount coupons and savings strategies ala Mrs.Spock all planned out and implemented.

Speaking of savings, in order to maximize our health insurance benefit, I plan to schedule several MD exams for myself and the family, and also purchase new eyeglasses before the end of the year.

I have been also been completing reimbursement requests for medical expenses, and other end of the year financial houskeeping, in preparation for tax season right around the corner.

Daily, I am mindful of the abundance and gifts that bless our family. I want to share our good fortune, and purchased gifts for a number of teens in foster care. Reading their wish cards brought tears to my eyes and a heaviness to my heart.

One of our family traditions to help get us in the holiday spirit is to watch "A Christmas Carol" with George C.Scott. It works everytime.

What have you been doing and feeling this holiday season to take care of yourself and others?

Thank you so much, and as Tiny Tim said, "God Bless Us Everyone!"

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