Tasty Twenty Minute Tempura*

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy Wednesday, and I hope you enjoy my "Twenty Minute Tempura"* recipe that is delicious, easy to prepare, and is versatile too.

Assemble and prepare ingredients-

Approximately 1 lb of raw meat, chicken, fish, etc. sliced into 1/2 inch wide x 2 inches in length strips. Cleaned shrimp can be cooked whole.

Two cups assorted raw vegetables, washed and dried, cut up into thin strips similar to meat. I sliced the cauliflower and carrots, and left the mushrooms whole after trimming stems. Onions, sweet potatoes, extra firm tofu, and zucchini are lovely prepared this way too.

1 egg, beaten with 1/2 tablespoon water in separate bowl.

1 cup flour seasoned with dash garlic salt in separate bowl.

1 1/2 cups of Panko or Japanese Bread crumbs in separate bowl.

1 to 2 cups vegetable oil in heavy, deep pan safe for frying, heated until shimmering, or a wooden spoon bubbles when placed into oil.

Beat egg with water in bowl, prepare seasoned flour and panko breadcrumbs for batter while oil is heating.

Dip vegetables and meat first into beaten egg, then seasoned flour, and finish with nice coating of panko breadcrumbs.

Fry meat and vegetables in small batches for 2-3 minutes and then drain on paper towel covered plate.

A tasty dipping sauce to accompany this can be made with 1/2 cup of Teriyaki or soy sauce, mixed with 1.5 teaspoons of rice wine vinegar, 2 teaspoons of brown sugar, 2 tablespoons water, heated for 45 seconds in the microwave.

I served this with rice because my boys are growing teens.

Thank you so much, and what twenty minute recipes do you rely on?

*Might take up to thirty minutes to prepare the first time you make it.
More aboutTasty Twenty Minute Tempura*

Motivation Monday - Food and Family Matters

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, August 28, 2011

This is a post from my blog Seaside Simplicity this past weekend. I decided it would be great for Motivation Monday and decided to repeat it here today.

When I first started my food blog Seaside Simplicity it wasn't because I spend all my time in the kitchen cooking up all kinds of complicated recipes and creating amazing meals, it was quite the opposite - I am a full time working mother, one that loves to cook and appreciates good food, but with little time for those things I had to find creative ways to prepare good meals for my family that don't require a lot of time or expense...

Italian Hot Dogs

I have always been determined not to fall into the unhealthy routine so many others do these days of picking up fast food or cooking prepackaged frozen dinners or something from a box on a regular basis. It's always been important to me, and part of how I judge myself as a wife and mother to have home-cooked meals. It's not only for the nutritional value and enjoying good food, but even more important is keeping the family dinner together each evening alive and well.

I have observed that families who still sit down for dinner together are closer than families who don't, they tend to work together better in general and have less struggles and issues in all areas of life. I have had friends say to me "What's your secret? How did you raise such good kids? Are you just lucky?" I honestly believe it's the fact that we sit down together just about every night for dinner. It keeps us close and keeps that family bond that is so often lacking in families these days. Think about your own mealtime habits and those of others you know. Talk to friends and coworkers about it. I think you'll also see the patterns and what a difference the simple act of having dinner together each evening can make.

My goal at Seaside Simplicity has always been to share with others how I create very simple homemade meals for my family that are uncomplicated, quick to prepare, inexpensive, and generally both nutritious and delicious. It does take a little planning ahead, but it's well worth it.

Pasta with Fresh Clams

I spend about 15 minutes every weekend planning our meals for the week. On Sundays I like to do as much prepping as I can for the week ahead, including cooking some things in advance whenever possible. Most of my meals are on the table in under 30 minutes.

Sometimes I like to double or triple the main dish for intentional leftovers to be creative for a different meal the next night...

Giant Meatloaf Puffs From Leftovers

Occasionally meals are only half homemade, using canned veggies or a packaged rice or stuffing for the sides like the meal below - even half homemade beats fast food any day!

 Pork Chops - Half Homemade Meal

So what prompted this post you ask - I was one of the lucky ones who received a free copy of the book The Hour That Matter Most to review. I plan to sit down to read it this weekend and thought I'd give my own thoughts on the family dinner and some samples of some of my own simple meals (just click the link below each photo to go to the recipes) before I get started on the book. I have a feeling my views will be similar and I'm very excited to have this opportunity.

          The Hour That Matters Most launches September 6, 2011
         For more information visit, www.thehourthatmattersmost.com
         Available for purchase on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
       Price: $15.99

Be on the look out for my upcoming review at Seaside Simplicity.

Wishing you a Motivated Monday and a great week!
More aboutMotivation Monday - Food and Family Matters

R & R for Sunday, August 28th, 2011

Posted by Unknown

Seven days without laughter makes one weak.  
~Mort Walker

R and R tip # 65:  LAUGHTER is the best medicine

When we laugh we are at ease and enjoying ourselves.  Even if we are tense and having a bad day, a few laughs can lighten and brighten things .

Laughter lifts us over high ridges and lights up dark valleys 
in a way that makes life so much easier.  
It is a priceless gem, a gift of release and healing direct from Heaven. 
~Alan Cohen

Take time to laugh
It is the music of the soul.

Take time to think
It is the source of power.

Take time to play
It is the source of perpetual youth.

Take time to read
It is the fountain of wisdom.

Take time to pray
It is the greatest power on earth.

Take time to be friendly
It is the road to happiness.

Take time to give
It is too short a day to be selfish.

Take time to work
It is the price of success.

Take time to love and be loved
It is a God-given privilege.
~Author Unknown
Laughter can relieve tension, soothe the pain of disappointment, and strengthen the spirit for the formidable tasks that always lie ahead.~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

This Sunday remember to TAKE time.  Learn to laugh heartily and frequently.

Use the strength of a SMILE!

See you all next week!
Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!
More aboutR & R for Sunday, August 28th, 2011

Getting It Together, Together

Posted by Unknown on Friday, August 26, 2011

Happy Saturday, and Welcome to our Motivation Station GIT Challenge, where the "GIT" stands for GET IT TOGETHER! Our key is to work together on achieving some goals, whether household, fitness, volunteer, or family related. Whatever you want or need to go GIT, is the order of this challenge.

Please comment on what you hope to accomplish, and what you've been able to get done. The motivation, energy, and sharing inspires us all. No blog hopping necessary, just come on back and update us with your progress in the comment section.

Also, please let us know what challenges or barriers you encounter, so that we might be able to help support and learn from each other.

I started my "GIT" yesterday on my so called day off. I did two loads of laundry, dealt with painters to repair a wall patch, ran errands, and spent literally hours updating the financial reports for my son's Show Choir Escrip program. I volunteered for this task from a previous Show Choir parent whose daughter recently graduated. This other mom had not updated the records for 5 months! What a mess I encountered, and I feel a sense of pride and accomplishment that this is caught up, and that moving forward, it will be done on time.

Today, I am going to our youngest son's early AM soccer game, then off to do a Zumba class at the gym for a total of three Zumba classes this week, in addition to circuit training and walking.

How about you? What do you have "GITTING" on this fine Saturday?

Thank you so much!
More aboutGetting It Together, Together

Question of the Week

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, August 25, 2011


Question of the Week:

Do you have an Attic or Basement in your house… I would love to see them… Do they need a bit of cleaning out… Are they spooky or good places for storing things…

Leave your answer in the comment section or write up your answer in your blog and link up to our Show and Tell in our sidebar…

I don’t have an Attic or Basement… just a crawl space above the ceiling that mostly holds the central air vents…

Happy Cleaning…

More aboutQuestion of the Week

When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Hang In There

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hello, dear friends and I hope you and yours are doing well.

My life has been a whirlwind with the kids going back to school, and their extracurricular activities of soccer and show choir. Add in the mix, a planned end of summer visit by my college aged niece and nephew, and a most unplanned hospitalization for my 80 year old mom, plus the euthanasia of her elderly cat, Sophie. In addition, my 16 y/o son and I spent over two hours at the Department of Motor Vehicles for him to take his Behind the Wheel Driver's License test, which he passed. (Yipee, I'm very proud of him.)

Even though, I am an optimistic and upbeat person by nature, I am working hard to not let this bring me to my "pyschological knees". I am doing this by keeping busy with household and work responsibilities, and some volunteer work too. Maintaining my exercise routine and healthy diet are also really helpful. I try not to live in my head too much, and I realize that I can choose to be sad or happy, and today, I choose Happy.

I am not going to deny or dwell on my feelings about these circumstances, I am going to try and "just be" in the moment, and then move forward, just one step at a time.

It's always illuminating to go through these tough times, I try to look at them as a gift. The gift of insight in seeing how those around you react when times are tough, the realization how precious the gift of support and kindness is, and to be both the giver and receipient in this cosmic tug of war.

Thank you for allowing me to share and how are you hanging in there? And what can I do to help besides let you know I care?

Thank you again, Martha

More aboutWhen the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Hang In There

Delish Breakfast Ideas

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I really love Delish.com. It's become my go to for great simple and seasonal recipes.
Take a look at these delish breakfast ideas that are healthy and simple!

Breakfast Mini Pizzas

Bagel Gone Bananas

Crunchy Granola Wedges 

Tutti-Frutti Muesli

Florentine Hash Skillet


Yankee Grits

Cherry Cream Cheese

Citrus Berry Smoothie

Magnificent Morning Muffins

 What do you make for a special, healthy, breakfast?
More aboutDelish Breakfast Ideas

Motivation Monday - Changes

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, August 21, 2011

It's back to school time today. That means back to the daily grind and the regular schedules. We have to say goodbye to the freedom of summer and get down to business for another year. This insures lots of changes, busy times, and desperately trying to keep some kind of balance in our lives along the way.

In addition to the changes coming with back to school time, we are also making some changes here at The Motivation Station. We're opening things up to add additional team members! We currently have seven members each posting once a week, but it's become a struggle for some of us to keep up with the demands of having to have a post up at a certain day and time.

We've decided to just post randomly instead of on certain days. Tamy has graciously offered to continue our GIT Challenges every Saturday, and some other members may continue to post on their set days too, but it's totally without obligation.

We'd like to invite anyone interested to join us! Just send an email to MM.seasidesimplicity@gmail.com if you'd like to be added as one of our team members. It doesn't matter if you have something motivational to add or if you are seeking help to get motivated yourself. There will be no commitments for any mandatory topics or posts, that will be up to you. Join us won't you?

Wishing you a Motivated Monday!
More aboutMotivation Monday - Changes

R and R for Sunday, August 21st, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, August 20, 2011

Peace is always beautiful.

Walt Whitman

R and R Tip # 63:  Putting conflicts to REST

Do-overs don’t come along often. When they do, I’ve learned you need to be ready. One second it’s a normal Sunday night, the next second God hands you a do-over on a silver platter.

When harmony is in your life and relationships, peace and serenity are at your fingertips. All your senses are alive. Your visions are clearer, and you can see more, feel more and hear more. Sometimes   we  get second chance just been placed in our laps , and we don't want to mess up. Harmony has one enemy – conflict.  Compromise and collaboration bring harmony.  When conflict arises and threatens to displace harmony, the best thing to do is face it head on. Don’t ignore it. When you do, you allow it to fester.

Instead, recognize that those with differing views are not out to get you, but merely approaching things from a different point of view. Seek to find points of agreement and work together to build compromise.Take the time today to square away your differences  and resolve a conflict in a productive, peaceful way.

Stop resisting. Like paddling a canoe against the current, a lot of effort is expended to get nowhere. So STOP IT. Right now, take a look at your circumstances and accept it is how it is.

MAKE GOOD CHOICES. What is a good choice? It’s a choice that makes you feel happy. Instead of struggling and trying to paddle harder, see where the flow is right now. Do the things that bring you joy.

Doing small practices that nurture you like watching the sunset, listening to the sound of your children’s laughter,  or hugging those you love and telling them you love them can be great ways to put you mind to rest.  Look at the coming week and schedule some time to be VERY SELFISH!!!!!

We are part of a culture that is obsessed with appearing busy, even though much of our busyness is ourown doing. So when real pressure, hardship, work demands, or family concerns,  comes along, we are depleted and not our best. This leaves us vulnerable to temptation, discouragement, and feelings of being overwhelmed.

You can only be good for others if you are first good to yourself.  Rest isn't just good for the body it is good for the mind too.

Find some kind of peace wherever you go today and enjoy those moments.

See you all next week!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!

More aboutR and R for Sunday, August 21st, 2011


Posted by Unknown on Friday, August 19, 2011

Let's GIT while the GITTING is good.  Won't you join me?
The idea of a GIT Challenge is to play catch up with whatever we need to get done. Just leave a comment saying you'll play along, minimize this post so you can easily come back to it throughout the day, stop what you are doing (meaning get off the computer and stop procrastinating!), take an hour right now to catch up on things you need to do and work as fast as you can!

Come back every hour or two and leave a comment with your progress. Check out what other participants have accomplished - all in the comment section, no blog hopping necessary. After updating, get back to work for another hour or so until you're done for the day. We always accomplish so much during these challenges!

Jump in anytime, there's no special time to start or finish. It's fun working together - join us!

Thursdays With Linda: What I Cleaned and Question of the Week…

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, August 18, 2011

Today I Cleaned…


I organized and put away all the movies and video games from the entertainment center from the summer playing…


Also from son3’s TV stand…




I tackled the paper pile on my table/desk…


I sorted…


I filed…


I shredded…


Now just a little pile of to dos and bills to pay…


And a much cleaner table/desk…

What have you cleaned today, today can be any day of the week… Share with us by linking your blog entry in our Show and Tell on our sidebar…


Question of the Week:

What is your favorite, can’t live without or just so handy Appliance…

Leave your answer in the comment section or write up your answer in your blog and link up to our Show and Tell in our sidebar…

Happy Appliances…

More aboutThursdays With Linda: What I Cleaned and Question of the Week…

Sights and Signs of Laguna Beach

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Last month we were in Laguna Beach, California to attend a wedding.

Here is the beautiful bride, and it was very touching to see all the beachgoers who were not part of the wedding, stand up and watch the ceremony.

You can certainly live the good life in Laguna Beach.

We refreshed in the ocean.

We rested at a bluffside park.

We moved on after a lovely long weekend.

Thank you so much for sharing in our little soujourn, and how have you been recharging this summer?
More aboutSights and Signs of Laguna Beach

Motivation Monday - Closet Declutter Challenge

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, August 14, 2011

As most of you know I recently moved. I did a good declutter of my clothes before the move, but at moving time there was no time to try on, just at a glance kind of decluttering. I did get rid of a lot before the move but once we moved in I kind of just hung and piled what was left in my new closet - it's a nice little cedar lined walk in and it's not even shared, our master bedroom has two, one for me and one for hubby - nice!

I know there is still more that needs to go that I will probably never wear. Today I am going through it all one more time to see how many work outfits I can put together and to get it all more organized. Maybe I will reward myself with a couple new items for back to school time :-)

Since we started The Motivation Station I have a different outlook on things. I use to fluctuate in weight so often that I would never part with clothes no matter what size I was at the moment - I had my fat clothes, my skinny clothes and everything in between. Now that we concentrate here at TMS on working out, eating healthy, etc. I no longer feel it's necessary to hang on to stuff that doesn't fit. If my clothes start feeling a little uncomfortable I know it's time to kick up the workouts, not go buy bigger clothes. If those bigger clothes are already in our closets it just makes it easier to give in to weight gain before doing something about it!

So what do you say - ready to clean out your closet? Yes, this is a challenge! Will you accept?

I will post updated photos here on this post later today. If you can't get around to doing your own closet today just commit to doing it at some point this week, and then link up your before and after post on our TMS Show and Tell on the sidebar.

UPDATE... Closet declutter and organization complete!

Entering the closet just to the left is where I am keeping my 7 tie-dye bathing suit cover ups which is what I live in when I'm at home, so comfy, and one for each day of the week. They are great for around the pool, make great night gowns and are decent enough to just wear around the house and still be able to open the door if someone knocks - or just walks in as often happens here.  Next to those is my giant flip flop collection which goes all the way to the floor. I have work flip flops, home flip flops and even dress flip flops. I live in Florida so I live in them whenever possible, 24 pairs at the moment...

The set of drawers in front of the flip flops is on rollers and moves easily with the slightest touch. That set of drawers houses my undergarments, bathing suits, shorts, scarves and other accessories. See the box on the floor on the left in the back? That's my donate box the kitty is hiding in. Anything that I find I just can't wear for any reason will go directly to the box, no turning back...

The outfits I've put together here are 20 work outfits, enough for 4 weeks of workdays. There are 10 various long pants, capris and skirts each matched with two shirts...

Behind the outfits are my purses hung in what would normally be wasted corner space...

I'm down to 7 pairs of high heels and 1 pair of sneakers...

These are all the leftovers not matched up - but most are fall and winter clothes arranged in order from coolest to warmest in the back. I hung all my jackets in the corner space like I did the purses on the other side. The one little container on the top shelf is for solid color shirts that are used under some of the hanging clothes, usually the light print cover ups, it's the only thing on the top shelves!...

And here is the final overall shot of the closet. Everyday pants and capris to the left and more work pants to the right - although the bottom shelf are pants that fit that I probably won't wear anyway - they will go to the donate box it there are still sitting there in a couple of months...

Linking up to The Organized Junkie's 52 Weeks.

Wishing you a Motivated Monday!
More aboutMotivation Monday - Closet Declutter Challenge